Hello Everyone;

I just corresponded with Barb Hoult from Canada regarding Mineaux. You
may recall Mineaux suffered a broken leg with the fracture very close
to the joint. After three tries with two different splints Mineaux
under went surgery to amputate her leg one week ago. She has been
spending an hour or two a day in the play area and has been spotted
dooking and clucking at some of her new friends. She is also making
new friends with some of the "calmer kids" (can't be DMK kids then
huh?) Barb cares for. Mineaux was living in a foster home at the
time of her injury so these are new furry friends for her.

Barb sends heart felt thanks to all those who sent good wishes and
prayers to them. She is getting caught up from the additional time
spent attending Mineaux.

You guys are the best, thanks for the good thoughts. LJ

Feed rescued animals in two clicks

[Posted in FML 5859]