Wow! I woke up today to find high numbers on the new video and
comments too. I'll be able to take the old video down like I wanted!
That was important me for some reason. Thaaaaaaaank you.

Answers to questions people asked me after seeing the video. No, she
never slows down. The other ferrets enjoy her very much. For the first
time in a couple years old Kip, the ferret from Pakistan has been
toddling out to be with all of the commotion. He doens't really play,
but he likes to be in the middle of it and to roll around. Oh how it
does my heart good to see that.

Occasionally, Meeka seems to not "listen" to the body language of
others. And they give her a good bite/shake on the neck. She doens't
understand why, and goes back after them and "screams" the whole time
(making me double wonder about deafness). How hillarious to see a
matching white male like three times her size running from her. I have
it on video although the video isn't great. one day Shenanigins even
gave her a "what for". Well, Meeka chased her under a blanket and POOF.
That little tiff ended right then and there. Shenaynay came running out
and rubbed her nose! Baaaaaaaahahaha. I finally got to see a poof in
action, not just because a ferret was mad/surprised/scared. I am soooo
lucky. Meeka uses her stinker responsibly and rarely. It's not a bad
one either. The girl has control. LMAO.

Back to Meeka being so hyper. The really cool thing about her ... is
her fascination with me/people. If you sit in the room, she prefers to
play with you over toys and the other ferrets. I even play this game
where she jumps on my lap, I pick her up, and toss her away. She dances
in a circle and jumps on me again. Over and over. she never tires of
this "game". She's a little shadow. If my hands are anywheres near
her and aren't giving her attention, she bites them. If you watch the
movie, I started to tire and lean back which made my hands leave the
rice box. She jumps up, grabs my hand and drags me back in!!

I've had a couple "cool" ferrets in my life. Only a couple. And she is
right there next to them. She might prove to be the coolest, who knows.
There are ferrets who are lovebugs. There are fun ones. Wacky ones.
Magestic ones. And there are those that just steal your heart and
become the apple of your eye. But then there are the rare "cool"
ferrets. You know ... the guy ferrets are a "ferrets' ferret". They
are super smart, play with you like a dog, learn tricks, have TONS of
personality that sets them apart from other pets, are athletic, theives
and everything a ferret should be. Meeka is in that select group. As
a female, she is agile, athletic, smart (Karen D's Rosie, that I
fostered, is brilliant), steals things, runs up my back, is lightning
fast, and is completly engaging and communicative. She's absolutely
addictive. When I am away from her, I miss her tackling me and running
up my legs. I can't keep my hands off her even though she doesn't want
to be held. Between Shenanigins resembling some stout, silky stuffed
animal from Toys R Us that you can't keep your face off of, and
Meeka/Crackers ... I am sick as a dog right now. I have a cold, plus I
can't stop putting my face in Shenaynay, or my hands off of Meeka ...
so I walk around with black circles under my eyes, puffy faced, red
nose, rash, welted scratches on my arms and hands and a roll of toilet
paper by my side. I'll die happy. Lol.


[Posted in FML 5857]