My albino Warwick had a "wonky" eye...his eye looked bulgy. I took him
to the vet who took several x-rays looking for a possible tumor or
tooth issue. Neither was found.

Warwick was also sneezing and snuffling quite a lot, so the vet assumed
he had a sinus issue or allergy. He was put on several different kinds
of antibiotics (not all at once, but over a period of time) and
benedryl, but the sneezing didn't get better, his eye didn't get better
AND he developed a large bump on his head between his eyes. Took him
back in for more x-rays which still didn't show anything, so vet did
surgery. In the surgery she found lots of mucus pushing through his
sinus and got that all out and, what's the word...cleaned everything
out. Samples were sent off and no bacteria was found or fungus.

His sneezing did get better, but he still sneezes some and I feel like
he's lost some weight even though I do see him eat. Plus I think his
eye looks worse.

Does anyone have any ideas, suggestions, anything? I'm taking him back
to the vet, but I have a feeling she'll feel like she's done everything
she can think of to do. I would appreciate any ideas. thanks, donna

[Posted in FML 5857]