I always chuckle internally too at the "allergies" excuse when taking
in a surrendered ferret as I am allergic to them as well - Especially
the intact males - they can really get my asthma going! I can
understand re-homing a new arrival animal to the family when your child
is gasping for breath in the middle of the night, but this is not the
case in most of the "allergy surrenders" that come to my shelter.

My Dr. also suffered from allergies and asthma. He discovered and
reported back to the manufacturer that many of his patients who were
taking "Stratera" for ADD reported to him that their allergy & asthma
symptoms significantly decreased or disappeared since taking the drug.
Suffering from these things himself, he put himself on the drug to test
the theory & had the same results. He then worked with the drug company
on a study and has since put hundreds of his patients, including me, on
Stratera for allergies/asthma. It is still an off-label use at this

It's important to know that this is a NON-simulant ADD drug - at the
time I started taking it 2 yrs ago, it was the only non-stimulant ADD
drug - I don't know, that may have changed by now. I had not had an
asthma attack in the two years I was taking the drug. I recently ran
out and needed to have my prescription renewed. Procrastinator that I
am, I was out for a month and I'll be darned if the wheezing didn't
slowly start back up when I was laying down and then throughout the
month, progress to full blown athma attacks. Back on it now for a week
and the symproms are starting to decrease. Won't let myself run out

As luck would have it, I've always joked that I was the poster child
for ADD - so I've got a double benefit here!!

On to Binder Clips for sctuffing to trim claws - I just don't get it -
with the exception of a handful of my DMK kids who are not use to it
yet - I trim the claws of everyone in the shelter with just a dab of
Ferretone on their tummies while I flip away. Some lick faster than
others & I need to add a little more by the time I'm on the back feet -
but my guys come running at manicure time......."oooh me, me........
can I be next?!"

The Ferret Haven
Louisville, KY

[Posted in FML 5838]