Hello readers of the FML.

For the most part, I lurk around the edges of the FML, like a very
reclusive ferret. I'll poke my head out now and then to sniff the air
and seize something useful that has happened by, but usually the noise
frightens me and I stay hidden. Today, after reading the issue for Jan
12th, I just have to say something.

Well Done! An issue filled with real questions, constructive
communication, educated information and some pieces to soothe the soul.
Did you notice the lack of complaining, the lack of anger, the lack of
well...anything negative? I sure did, and like a ferret in a rice box
for the first time, I'm dancing inside. I loved this issue! I loved
the ferretone and pred question 'cause I have the same one. I loved
the lengthy post on eggs 'cause now I have learned something. I liked
seeing people still interested in the Giving Tree ferrets, and people
selling things to benefit ferrets. I loved reading a very well thought
out and written letter from a lady who has felt slighted but hasn't
turned to anger and bitterness in order to try to get her feelings
across. And last, but not least, I nearly wept at the mental pictures
that Alexandra in MA painted for me in her story. I agree 100% with
the small joys that ferrets bring. Wow, what a thought provoker.

This post is why I read the FML each time I gratefully get it. (thanks
BIG!) Sometimes, I read what is written and it drags me down...but on
a day like today, I can read, re-read and the high I get from the
constructive, positive attitudes of the posters is so amazing. This is
the best issue of the year...so far! Keep it up! You have no idea how
much I needed to see something on the FML like this.

[Posted in FML 5850]