Dear friends, don t call me lucky yet. For the sub lingual treatment
is only told by tha docter and i don t know if its gonna be available
for me.

Since last year i ve been brought in into the emergency room from the
hospital for allergy attacks, so extreme that the docter thought i d
burned my skin severely. And i was almost chokin in astma attacks even
on the strong treatments i already got.

One pre : allthough painfull, it looks like my lips swoll from
botox/sillicone treatment. so that s the only thing that works out cute
for me ( still it hurts like hell:feels like the isolation stuff we put
in our walls made of glass fiber blankets. as if someone rubbed that
into my whole skin and lungs)

Only one thing is sure: I KEEP MY FERRETS!!

Here true ferret lovers say: a husband is untill devorce, a ferret is
for better or worse, till death do us part!!!

Grr, Joos

[Posted in FML 5839]