I am sorry for being late on this BUT they have been keeping me busy
and I am without a computer...

I wanna Thank those of you who sent me info on ferrets and ADV and SOS
and such..I wanted to snail mail you TY notes but I haven't been home
in a long time.

Thank you to those who sent me ferret sites for my page for others to
read and also Thank you for those shelters who offered to come pick
me up at a TS to come see there shelter and play with the kids..

Thank you Brenda for picking me up at the Pilot to get to spend
Christmas Day at the shelter with the kids and finely getting to see
Velcro and Popcorn, those guys have come a long way and are SO cute...

Now for other news....I wanna welcome Stewart Little to The Poop
Troop....He was not wanted so My team drivers sister took him for her
brohter for Christmas and since he didn't want him we got him when
we showed up for the weekend...That little boy is full of piss and

I hope you all Have a Great New Year and tone of adoptions into forever

Anna and The Poop Troop

Every morning is the dawn
of a new error.


[Posted in FML 5838]