Weeeellllll, Alexandra... I wasn't going to say anything, but I have
heard it on good authority that a shelter that shall remain nameless
HAS been using the hard-earned ferret dollars to purchase cans of tuna
for the neighborhood cats. And we all know that tuna is essentially
kitty crack and that the stoned kitties will only come to a bad end.
Now I don't want to start any rumors or anything and I'M NOT SLAMMING
ANYONE, but... I'm pretty sure the shelter owner is running an
underground tuna/kitty crack network too. The ferrets are only a tuna
laundering cover. The 401ABCD007 tax exempt status is only to hide this
kitty doping enterprise from the feds. After all, who would ever think
that a shelter owner would be simply there to help ferrets. Sheesh! Who
could be soooooo gullible to think that these people are working their
heinies off just to help out the little fuzzies? Come on!

Anne, no wait... ahem...


[Posted in FML 5842]