those of you with ferrets who eat cotton should just count yourselves

Mochi likes to chew on cashmere...

of course, I don't have cashmere.. I prefer cheap clothing that my
ferrets can damage. its the boyfriend. he likes to sleep in cashmere
turtle necks.. at least he only buys them on sale..

I don't worry about the ferrets eating cotton as long as they chew
before they swallow.. animal fibres is much safer than synthetics,
which do cause blockages.. and I have a couple of favourite items
that have a tasteful indent at the collar or hem..

on a different note, I'll like to extend Alexander's suggestion for a
new posting category, and suggest multiple types of anonymous. BIG,
how hard would it be to setup the following:

Anonymous From FFZ <[log in to unmask]>
- as I understand it, ferret free zones was one of the main reasons
  anonymous posts are allowed

Anonymous Personal <[log in to unmask]>
- for anonymous posters seeking solutions to private problems they
  don't want people to know..   e.g. people addicted to ferrets and
  can't stop getting them..

Anonymous Don't Flame Me <[log in to unmask]>
- to save typing for those who post anonymously because they don't
  want flames.
  the From line says it all!

Anonymous Not Flaming <[log in to unmask]>
- to save typing for those who post anonymously because they are not
  flaming anyone.
  the From line says it all!

Anonymous Mr Hyde <[log in to unmask]>
- for those who want to try out a different persona than their normal
  fml persona.

Anonymous Coward <[log in to unmask]>
- this is just the default anon label many geek oriented sites have,
  I just want it 'cause I'm a geek too. use it if none of the other 
  category applies

the much used
   Anonymous <[log in to unmask]>
of course, will go into a much deserved early retirement.

Selina, Clef, Popcorn, Sorin, Mochi the Cashmere Monster, Jolt & Cola

[Moderator's note: Wouldn't be difficult technically, just impossible
to enforce. Anon posts are approved on a case by case basis, many ARE
rejected, though probably many people feel I'm too lenient? BIG]

[Posted in FML 5842]