Hi everyone,

Pukka, my 7(?)-year-old adrenal naked girl, has developed a new
problem: she seems to be losing control of her bowels. She had a brief
bout of diarrhea about a month ago that seemed to clear up with
Clavamox, and she seems like herself otherwise, but it's like she
doesn't know she has to go. At first I thought she was just getting
lazy about the litter box because she's getting old (she's always been
really good about it) but I've noticed she'll be doing something else
and the poop will just be running out of her. She also pees in the box
with no problem. I have to clean up after her constantly, and her buddy
Eddie tends to walk in it and get it on himself. She goes to the vet on
Monday, does anyone have ideas as to why this is happening? Could it
be related to her adrenal disease?

Any input would help. Thank you so much!

Rachel, Eddie, and Pukka

[Posted in FML 5841]