I got this off the WVEC.COM web page and for sure this is Carol
McCraig's shelter. I know Carol very well and she has the very best
and tax exempt shelter there is. She takes in very old ferrets and
works hard to keep them alive giving them a forever home for the
last of their days. Here is the story off the web page:

Hundreds of animals removed from Beach home

January 30th, 2008
Animal control officers say they found nearly 200 ferrett - nearly half
of them dead and in a freezer - at a home on North Lynnhaven Road.

Aboug 61 ferrets were put down by the state where they were in such bad
condition they could not be saved. There were 100 or so in a freezer
that had died previously that needed to be disposed of. She did have a
very difficult time finding a way to dispose of the dead ferrets where
she had so many.

This is a most tragic event where Carol did so much giving all of her
time and money to these animals. I have visited this shelter and it was
extremely clean and well kept even with outside runs for the animals.
Carol would not let just anyone help, they had to be not only clean
themselves but had to know how to handle these animals well. Carol
would have to hand manipulate some of them to help them eliminate urine
and waste where they could not do this on their own, most would have
put them down but she kept them going.

I do not know what happened to Carol or why this all came about. As I
learn more I will keep ever one informed. The news stated there would
not be any charges brought against the owner (Carol) but the state of
Va is not in control of that operation.

Gordon, Peekaboo and Pester

Rev. J. Gordon Bengtson
Aarrow Ranch Aviation
Mechanicsville, Virginia 23111

[Posted in FML 5868]