Hello, you guys!

All the ferrets are fine and in their new house! I myself -- and my
two largest dogs -- am stuck hre in Calif till Jan 10. I am practicing
enormous self control to not give you the long version of that tale...
suffice to say, it is a version of problems I had when I was away in
Thailand and Ethiopia last springggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

But the GOOD news is that when the ferrets' traveling cages were opened
(the night of 12/24), they all ran out and ran around and played! Since
I didn't arrive with them, they didn't have their Evo to eat, and it
took some doing to get them all to eat. They are now indulging in
poor-quality cat food kibble. Apparently they love it. I guess it wont
do irreparable harm for a couple of weeks.

I've been internet-less for several days, and haven't been able to get
through by phone to talk with Saba about the ferts (and cats and dogs)
for a few days. As soon as I hear more, I will email again. The last
time we talked, they were going to give the ferrets chicken. I sent
the various recipies for chicken gravy, but I guess they were too
complicated without me there to explain. So I suggested getting a very
fresh chicken, removing the intestines, and giving it, in pieces, to
the ferrets.

The only animals who were traumatized by the trip were two of my
cats -- Raoul and Katie. I hope they are ok now, but they were refusing
to come out of their cages and hissing. I WISH I WERE THERE!!!

I am very happy with Animal Land, by the way. They did a great job. The
company I started with turned out to be a real bust, but when Animal
Land took over everything ran smoothly right away. And I found them to
be very nice people too. They managed the project wonderfully well and
cared about the animals. Even now that their part is all over, Dana (my
main coordinator) still asks about the animals and how they are doing.

I gave you the wrong name last time I emailed, by the way. I thikn I
said Animal World instead of Animal Land. At any rate, here is the
website's URL:


[Posted in FML 5837]