Our little girl Bonnie crossed over the bridge today and joins all of
our others there in the forever high summer grass. We had hoped that
she would make it to the new year, but her frail little body just quit
on her.

Knowing that she would want other fuzzies who suffered from her malady,
she wishes to pass on 4 Lupron injections ready to go. Obviously, since
this stuff has a 4 month time limit and needs to be refrigerated at all
times, it would be good if the recipient were in the Tucson AZ area. We
would need someone to pick it up at our place about an hour east of
Tucson right off I-10. If there is anyone out their that cna take
advantage of this offer pls reply soon...

Putorius and the now 8 tangleterrors.

[Posted in FML 5834]