First, I want to thank Kris for allowing my furkids on the tree this
year. It is an honor to be able to be such a part of this. Kris, you
are a wonderful man. You give endlessly to the ferrets and work so hard
to make life on our shelters/rescues easier. Thank you for taking time
out of your busy life to help us. We are blessed to have you in our
lives. THANK YOU!

To all of the secret santas that have sent gifts to the ferrets here,
THANK YOU. Everytime I gave my ferrets their new toys and treats, they
dooked and danced and showed more thanks than words can ever muster.
This has been a very expensive year with the large rescue that has
taken place. I feel very honored that you chose my kids, in spite of it
all. For the past few years, my kids have enjoyed a wonderful Christmas
and this year is no exception. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
If you would like a special Thank You card from the fuzzy or fuzzies
that you chose to give to, please send me your physical address and
along with a thank you card from them, we will send you a picture of
the happy dooker. (who doesn't just LOVE pictures??)

In closing, I would also like to add an update about Claudia. She lost
her lifelong cagemate Lestat after they were put on the tree. Some of
you fantabulous angels sent her some extra comforts. It is soooo much
appreciated. She went through a very rough time in losing her buddy,
but seems to have recovered nicely, well, er, sort of. She has reverted
back to biting, but for now, if it makes her feel better, then my
fingers are always here for her. She is a special little gal and you
saw it too and you tried to help her through this, GOD BLESS YOU. <3

Michigan Ferret Rescue

[Posted in FML 5833]