We at TheHideyHole.Com would like to wish all a Happy Holiday. (Or as
the song on the radio said this morning: A merry Kung Pao Buckaroo
Holiday (to be politically correct)). Thank you for thinking about us
for your needs this year. Keep us in mind for next year as my brain
is "exploding" with new and interesting things to create for both the
fuzzy and non-fuzzy members of your lives.

Happy belated 20th anniverary to BIG and the FML. May you celebrate
many more

Thank you, Kris, for once again doing The Giving Tree. I can't imagine
how time consuming it must be. Bet you wish you had a cloning machine.

Merry Christmas to all!!!!!

Lynn Toole & TheHideyHole.Com fuzzies (that rule my life)

[Posted in FML 5831]