You know, I've been skipping over Giving Tree posts for a while now
mostly because I feel like the grinch is taking Christmas away. Being
a shelter mom, I know how hard things can get when you're working at
just being a shelter mom (never mind family, work, friends and 'normal'
life). Kris has done a LOT for all of us shelters. I personally don't
care that not all of my kids made it on the tree and I am always
greatful to WHATEVER my shelter kids get for 'Christmas'. You know,
it's just another day to the kids. Christmas could come in July for all
they care. A day is only as special as you make it and to be honest, if
gifts don't arrive until July well, then there is another special day
in July and be THANKFUL you have it!

Kris - thank you for being the man you are and for ALL the VERY HARD
work you do in keeping the Giving Tree going. I appreciate you very
much and I am sorry it took me so long to say it. Merry Christmas.

Miss Randy Melanie Belair
The Ferret Aid Society

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