To Kris: WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!! And if there's any way we can help, please
let somebody know. With the tree or your rescue--how about you? Do you
need bedding?

(OK, now, Kris--don't read this part! Listen, guys, if anybody is going
under-thanked around here, it's him. Not unthanked, but certainly
underthanked. Can't we all at least send him a thank you card or
something? Because thanks really do matter. People who want to help
want to know that they have helped, whether it's by getting gifts for
the ferrets or having those gifts acknowledged. And when you think of
all he's done you know that his Christmas gift to the tree ferrets is
probably the greatest of them all. And that's really saying something.
I've been truly overwhelmed by the kindness of my Santas to my unknown
ferrets in the middle of nowhere. You've all made me feel that I'm not
so alone after all.)

That having been said, Santas, please be patient.

I think it's wonderful the way the ferret community saw a need and just
stepped up to share information about tree ferrets who have santas when
the updates were slow. Simple solution, no need to fuss. Please, when
you share that information, don't forget to let us know the name of
your shelter and what tree(s) your kids were on. The info is much more
useful that way.

Thanks, everybody. Comfort and joy to you and yours.

and the rezweezils

[Posted in FML 5831]