Please send your healing thoughts northwards to help one of our
foster's. Her name is Mineux and she has a broken leg. Both of the tiny
bones below the knee joint were broken due to an unfortunate accident
in her foster home. Her foster dad is beside himself with guilt over
this. He learned the hard way just how quickly accidents can happen.

Mineux has been through two casts already but they keep falling off
after only a few days We've spoken with a board certified surgeon
hoping that he could pin the leg or apply a steel plate but because of
the location of the break (too close to the joint) and the size of the
bones he does not think it will work. Today our vet is going to try a
traction cast which is our last option to try and heal the breaks. If
it will not stay on then Mineux will loose her leg. Even though we know
she would do okay with only three legs we want to give her this last
chance to heal completely.

Mineux is only 9 months old. She needs all the positive thoughts you
can send.

Barb Hoult
Alberta Ferret Society

[Posted in FML 5827]