Sue and I recently lost our little Sundea. She was a little cast off we
got from a snaggle toothed couple in a flea market parking lot. This
little girl was in a gerbil cage, her hammy was torn had a hole in it
and was being fed Dollar store cat food. Her fur was so course it
seemed almost brittle.

I was afraid she wouldn't make the four trip back home. Some duck soup,
some care, a few thousand hugs and warm fleece lined sleepy sacks.
Before our eyes she grew and flourished. she danced and whirled she
dooked. Months ago she was adopted by our Hanna, a mean as nails lady.
They became such pals, such an odd pairing. But it worked.

Lately we noticed Sundea was unstable, wobbly on her feet and showing
signs she might be blind. She had one eye that was very cloudy, maybe
from some abuse in her past.

By the time we bundled her up and headed for the vets office she had
started seizures. The vet determined it was a tumor and had little
chance of a recovery.

We had to honor her remarkable adapting and blossoming to the soft
dancing fur ball she had become over the years. She is now free. She's
fluffy, her eyes are clear she's dancing. It broke our hearts but she's
free now.

It's been a heart rendering month. Sundea has moved on, out little ball
of fun Bandetta is gone to the Bridge. Sue's little angel NOEL also
passed away. She was a former breeder that stole Sue's heart.Noel was
a nearly blind short fluffy angel. When the weather was nice she'd go
out side. Noel would leap and run and jump in the grass. I caller "The
Grub" She was not afraid to search out the cats food bowl for a snack.

I guess it's times like this that makes us hug them a little longer and
a little more often.

We know they are healthy, happy and dooking.

David the broken nail clipper of the Winchester Weezles

[Posted in FML 5825]