Good Morning to all,
Hope all is well in Fuzzy Land and Happy Holidays to all!!

I just submitted my form to the giving tree and I am a little confused
on where I send my gifts to as it doesn't state what shelter they are
from. I chose 3 from tree 8 so my question is where do I contact this
shelter that they come from? Please inform me ASAP as I will be
shipping to them from on line. Please do not wait to answer me on
the FML I would rather you call me as the shipping will be time
sensitive as of now. You can call me at work today (Monday 12-17) ask
for Dawn in the nutrition department I work at Whole Foods. The number
is (305) 933-1543 or call me in the evening on my cell phone (I can't
use my cell at work) (786) 436-2518 or at home in the evening also
(954) 454-2592

Dawn and THE TERRIBLE TWO'S GANG, Monster and BoogyMan, and now joining
the Terrible Two's Gang is Shiloh, Lilly Rose,Shoshanna, and not a
ferret but an American Eskimo Doggy Teddy my newest addition to our zoo
and waiting for me at Rainbow Bridge, Tazzy, Joey, Dru,Trouble, and
Rosy,and it's with sadness that I have to add on Little T with my Band
of Angels. He passed on to the Bridge in June. You are all very much
missed and are always on my mind my Little Angels

[Posted in FML 5823]