Several weeks ago I posted about a little ferret who came to us with a
spinal injury leaving the lower half of her body paralyzed. We decided
to dedicate this year's Ferret Giving Tree Party to Sierra by honoring
her with a special Christmas tree. Sierra attended the party and was
quite the little charmer. She also showed off her new Ferret Flyer
Wheels, which she received from a Secret Santa.

After a buffet meal, a short meeting, and getting all our gifts
for ferrets on the Ferret Giving Tree prepared for mailing, we all
assembled outside for the lighting of Sierra's Tree. It was quite
moving to see all the holiday ornaments that had been purchased with
a donation of $10 to MaFF.

Sierra's tree will continue to be lit each day until Christmas Day,
so if you are interested in donating towards an ornament for her tree,
the following link will take you to the page where you can make your
donation - . You may need to copy/paste the
link into your browser in order to access MaFF's website where you can
order your ornament. Your ornament will be personalized and hung on
Sierra's tree to be enjoyed by people driving by. [Above link goes to
an page. BIG]
Iwould like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped make
Sierra's Christmas a special one - Donna for the tree and lights, Fran
and Renee for the ornaments, the Secret Santa for Sierra's wheels,
Joanne and Alan for keeping Sierra's tree lit, and Trudy for opening
up her heart to care for this sweet ferret.

Here is a link to a short video showing Sierra at her special party....

Phyllis Spy
President, MaFF

[Posted in FML 5822]