One of our club members/foster Dad called me last night (Tuesday 12/11)
to let me know that one of his precious big old sable boy's, Daryl, had
passed away in his sleep while he was at work. Daryl, age 7 +, was a
very gentle, "old soul" boy that had spent several years in a local
Animal hospital, to be available as a blood donor if any ferret came in
for surgery and needed supplemental blood. He was treated VERY well at
this clinic and his sweet demeanor is a testament of that. He had lived
with his Forever Dad, John, for several more years, enjoying fully the
joys every ferret deserves. His passing came as a shock because he was
not ill, nor did he show any signs of distress when found. His eyes
were closed as if sleeping soundly with just the slightest hint of a
satisfied grin on his face. Facing the loss, John took up pen & paper
and wrote this for Daryl and asked I share it with you all:

"To A Friend"

You were there when I came home, and when I was alone.
Just wanting some tone, or a tasty N-Bone.
A sweet kiss on the ear, you brought me so much cheer.
Your soul so gentle and kind, but it had to come your time.
I loved you till=92 the end, thank you Daryl for being my friend.

Daryl 12-11-07
"There's nothing you can hold for very long..."

John Phelps

This makes three new stars from our extended family in just as many
days. Can any one hear the Grinch crying out, "Bah humbug!"? If you
can, zero in on that sucker and knock him off his high horse! Enough
is enough...


[Posted in FML 5819]