Ok - I've had it. Stacy, if you want a full accounting of what happened
with the donated money, can you not see fit to email Lori PRIVATELY? It
is the continuation of these little "this is my last comment, I swears"
that keep an argument going, and drives people away from the FML. And
your chatter about "taxes" is a great indication that your still
majorally peeved about it. We understand that - but we have asked that
it stop on this forum, just about as politely as we could. Yet here we
are again, another day - with more complaints about it. You brought
up some wonderful points - such as all the other people that helped.
Thank you for that. Now LEAVE IT ALONE please!!!? We are here for the
FERRETS. Not to "demand accountability" from anyone on this list! I
understand and share in concern where our fuzzy friends are concerned,
but you have taken it to a new level and truth be it known - it's not
a level that many people want to be on with you. There is a time and
a place for everything - and this forum should no longer the place!
(BIG, I realize that isn't my call, but yours, so forgive my
impertinence). This subject has been beaten up, chewed up, swallowed
up, and then regurgitated, so many times, I lost count. It's Christmas
for heaven's sake. Can't we all just think 'happy thoughts" and work
on the giving tree and talk about things that we CAN resolve? Now if
you want to bash me for wanting this to end, then do it. PRIVATELY to
my email - which is clearly listed here. Now can we please get back
to the business of our fuzzies?

Kim and Her Army of "losing their patience" Idiots. 

Lord, help me to be grateful for what I have, and not greedy for what
I want.....

[Posted in FML 5817]