Hi Folks,

As some of you may or may not know, at one time I lived on the earth.
I was rescued by Mommy in 1997 and became a beloved first ferret and
lived with her until 2002 when I flew to the bridge. In 2003 I had the
honor of being named a bridgegreeter for the FML and I have served you
faithfully during that time. Oh yes, there have been a number of little
flights of fancy when I went on little treks to the ermines, but they
were very short.

As some of you know, ferrets at the Rainbow Bridge do not have computer
access, so they have to relay their messages telepathically to their
mommys who must then type them up and sent the messages on their way.
But there comes a time when these things must end and I feel I must
release Mommy from her duties as a typist and allow her to care for her
ferrets on earth as she has in the past. She has many, you know. So at
this time, I wish to say good-bye to you all and to wish you good
fortune and to welcome the new generation of people who will carry on
Mommy's work.

As for me, SaraFerret, I will always continue to greet your ferrets at
the Rainbow Bridge (you will never see the postings). But know in your
heart and soul that there will always be a little fuzzy at de Bridge
lovingly meeting your ferrets at de entrance.

Loveys and hugs,

SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 5809]