Happy Holidays Everyone:

Today I had the pleasure of Christmas shopping with my husband. While
in Sear's housewares section I happen to notice a Fondue fountain.
Having ferrets as part of the family, I always try to think of ways to
entertain them. I was wondering if you think I could make a feratone
fountain out of the fondue fountain? Can ferrets overdose on feratone
and if they do, do you call FLS (Ferret Life Support) for them? Just
clowning around with a little ferret humor .

If you happen to be looking for any good deals on ferret goodies,
www.ferretdepot.com has some nice sale prices right now for foods,
Ferravite, Nutrical, snacks etc. Helped me a lot when buying gifts for
a few shelters around me. Just wanted to pass on the savings. Perhaps
this will allow you to put a package together for remaining kids on
the Giving tree.

Tis the season, LJ

Feed rescued animals in two clicks


[Posted in FML 5817]