Dear ANON,

You still DON'T get it do YOU????????? Lori NEVER would have been able
to pull off the rescue WITHOUT the ferret communities involvement.

From what I have been reading this abuse at McKays farm has been going
on for around 20 years in Ohio, right in Lori's back yard so speak. No
one, not the shelters, breeders or residents in Ohio were willing to
get invovled UNTILL the DMK rescue group got the ball rolling. Then
and only then did these people of Ohio begin to get involved.

Lori fom what I've been told has never even thanked the person who got
her the intitial $10,000 grant to start the rescue efforts. That's all
this person wanted, recognition and a THANK YOU for pulling strings and
getting Lori the grant.

And YES, I do understand the COSTS of running a rescue, I am one and
ALL the money used to care for our ferrets comes directly out of my
husbands and my pocket from both our full time jobs. We always do with
out to make sure the kids are taken care of. Heck, when we got married
we never even went on a honeymoon because we knew the money would be
more usefull providing for the kid's needs. We've been married almost
11 years now and everything is for the care of the kids.

NO, I didn't send bedding donations to Lori, I sent them to the shelter
Jerri runs because I knew my bedding WOULD be used, not sitting
somewere collecting dust.

Still IMO the ferret comunity has a right to know the WHOLE story, how
much was donated and exactly where the money went as I feel that IF a
rescue like this one ever does happens again, people of the ferret
community may NOT be so willing to help NEXT time to the full extent.

I also agree with others that if you think so strongly on your stand,
why are YOU hiding behind a ANON post??????? I've been flammed and
slammed before on here and other groups for speaking my mind and giving
my opinions. I don't hide behind a ANON post, I SIGN my name.


Fuzzy Loving Ferret Rescue

[Posted in FML 5815]