Enough already!

Some asked for a listing of where the money went. And we should look
into what went right and what went wrong so that we do better next
time. But to attack Lori when she did what not many would do is just
wrong. She provided numbers and while some may not agree with some of
those numbers, who are you to attack her?

Why is it that we as a ferret community can do the unimaginable in
rescuing and saving so many ferrets? Then some turn around only to
flame and attack those who worked so hard? I was so proud of what we,
as a group, did for the DMK ferrets. We should all be proud. Especially
those who were able to get to Ohio to help Lori. (Unfortunately, I was
not able to go.) It was a huge undertaking with an amazing result! But
to see the attacks on Lori afterward was so very disappointing. I was
especially disappointed to see the moderator of this list jump into the
flame wars in this mornings FML. BIG - aren't you supposed to keep the
FML on an even keel, not join in the fray?

Those attacking Lori need to take a step back and think about what was
accomplished - for the ferrets.


[Posted in FML 5814]