I would like to know why people think it is OK to post Anon. when
countering any comments made about this rescue? If you have something
to say there then you should have enough (insert word/s here) to post
you full name as well.

Do not comment on me or my comments and then hide behind "Anon". That
is abosultely hilarious.

Lori took in how many ferrets? And she did not even use liter for the
first couple of weeks. AND THEN they were almost out ALL out of there
withing 3-4weeks. So YES I am saying the numbers do not match.

Yes Lori got them out of there. WOO HOO!! Look back at my posts and you
will see I was one them telling people to back off (LOOK IT UP IN THE
FML Archives).

And further more why did she give 65 DMK ferrets to 1 shelter who was
not planning to disperse them to other shelters? That just amkes no
sense? AND if she did give it to a shelter who said they were going to
disperse them and didn't, then that is hoarding and should we all not
have a name to put with them so we never think or directing people to
them again?

Lori made this a puble rescue. Not in the begining. No that was a
single female taking on some huge numbers of ferrets. BUT THE WHOLE
FERRET community KNEW that there were several other people and shelters
waiting for this to happen. Why were they not called? There have been
several LARGE scale rescues that have happened over the years. WHY were
these shelters not called and asked the best/worst issues to help out?
And NO they were not called cause I know some of these people.

What I am saying (again) is IF the rescue cost $44,000 then let us see
HOW much was also given to for the rescue. I want to know HOW much the
community helped? If there was another rescue of this scale then what
could we expect ?

Why is everyhting still so hush hush? Why is Lori not screaming to
rafters "Here we are?" If I had a sure fire way to tell everyone to
Kiss my butt, then I sure would post it and get it done with. All this
is doing is dragging the whole thing on. What was in that contract?
How much was donated?

If you do not want the public to respond then do not bring it to the
public. It was brought.

Staci L. Sharp (Notice, I am not ashamed of my post. You may think I
should be, but either way I still signed my name)

[Posted in FML 5814]