Oh yes, yet another lynching by the so called "wonderful ferret
community". You know, lets just drive her out of rescuing also. There
are way to many ferret rescues in the USA now, and we need to drive as
many as possible out! Having to decide where to send our money would be
so much easier if we could only get rid of like 100 of them. I am sure
that rescue of over 500 ferrets only cost her $10.00 and she is trying
to make money off the ferret community. BAD LORI. Bet she is living
high off the hog, bought a new Benz for Christmas and is wearing Gucci.
Oh don't forget about the driver to take the ferrets to the vet, would
not want to mess up that new Benz.

You know ferret community, there are alot of good shelters out there. A
small shelter with only 40 ferrets can spend $20,000+ in medical bills
and supplies in one year. I think those who don't have anything better
to say, should just shut the heck (insert any other word here) up. The
ones who speak the loudest, do the littlest in regards to rescue. They
are blowing hot air, and polluting our environment with their nonsense.
No wonder we have such a big problem with global warming!

BIG, you really need to make a SLAM of the MONTH Calendar, because
basically that is all this group is known for anymore. Sell it for
small rescues who try to do good, but get mentally tortured for doing
so. It could save alot of rescues from going under.

This group made up of alot of SAD and PITIFUL people.


[Moderator's note: The same sad and pitiful people who donated and
volunteered, perhaps? You are certainly entitled to your opinion, but
insulting the readers on the FML is not productive, nor accurate.

MW, I don't recall a mention of you being at Lori's, now that I think
about it. (I can add that to the SLAM calendar.) BIG]

[Posted in FML 5813]