I have been on and off the FML for several years. And the flame
throwing at Lori in Ohio is just about enough to make me bail again. I
am astounded at those who stand up on their soapboxes and beat their
chests. You want an accounting, huh? Did you EVER at ANY TIME offer to
HELP with said accounting? If you did in fact show up in Ohio, was your
head so far in the clouds of self-righteousness that you didn't see
what was right in front of you? Or were you spending precious time
telling others how YOU would have done it better or different? Are you
yourself a tax expert? Did you at any time say, hey...you have your
hands full. Can I lend my paperwork experience and help you? Did you
EVER take a moment and put yourself in Loris shoes? Trucks are rolling
in with ferrets, and supplies. Cars are rolling in with volunteers. The
phone is ringing off the hook, the internet is slow, and you have 600
hungry, frightened souls looking to you for salvation. And accounting
practices are supposed to be on the top of the list?! When I first
heard of the rescue, I tried to find a way to get to Ohio to help. I
was unable to do that, but sending supplies seemed like the right
thing. I could care less how it's declared on some IRS schedule. I
chose to care about the effort. I hung on every word I could get about
how it was going. I was proud, almost to tears sometimes, as to how
the ferret community responded. And then comes the Monday morning
quarter backing. It seems to me that the folks who are screaming for
accountability are maybe jealous. Their own shelters never got the
attention or press that Lori has gotten. They have never had a ferret
rescue on the scale of this one, so paperwork was easier to keep up
with. They seem to express a sense of Lori having "gotten away with
something" That "something" is called humanity! She accomlished the
unthinkable. And all you can do is gripe about it. We so easily lose
sight of what is the right thing to do. An amazing effort was pulled
off! We were fortunate enough to be allowed to help with it, in any
way (big or small) that we could. But for some folks, it will never
be enough. If I am drowning, and Lori is on one side with a rope and a
warm blanket, and the bean counters are on the other with a rope and
a disclosure form, guess who I will swim to?

Jill and the Paws to the Wall Gang

[Posted in FML 5812]