As far as paying people to help with the rescue, If she seeks some tax
advice, there may be some work-arounds/loopholes that could spare her
from having to pay taxes for 'employees'

I know, I have owned businesses in the past that required some side
help, and I (and my partners) could pay individuals up to $600 at that
time before we had to actually claim them as an employee, and pay taxes
on them. I think that $600 limit has changed, and I think it is much
lower now, about $400.... I would have to look back into some records
to see how we classified our casual help to bypass that 'employee'
status until that $ limit was reached...

I dont know if those loopholes exist with the 503c-3/non profits
status, but would be worth them looking into...


[Posted in FML 5811]