:::Toodling along in the car, Travis at the wheel, Tonks and Mz. Issy
are on a road trip to the National Black-Footed Ferret Conservation

Hey Issy I spy something with my eye that is black, opps well I did for
a minute.

HAHAHAHAHA Tonks, see I told ya, that was our Mom's, flying like the
wind. They are demons when they are behind the wheel, unlike someone
else we know :::clearing throat and giving Travis the eye::::

Are we ever gonna get there Issy??

Yes!!! Look up ahead, it's the NBFFCC, isn't it cool looking. And look
there are the moms waiting for us .

Um Issy, why is that officer writing your mom a ticket?

Alright you too, listen up. No playing!!! No acting up!!! No tossing
books!!! No feeding the wild animals. And I want you both to obey me
at all times. This is a closed facility and your are very lucky to be
here. We only do special tours from time to time, like when those cool
IFC people that were here awhile back.

Okay Travis, we will behave.  :::snickering behind paws:::

Travis will you show us the babies? You know how much I want to  adopt.

Okay Issy, but first let me explain to you both how adoptions work.
First you write a check to us for 25.00. That's your adoption fee. And
for that you get a certificate for adoption, a biography and color
photograph of your baby, a magnet and species information, and regular
updates about your adopted baby.

Umm Trav, your forgetting sumpin here. What about the baby, when do we
get to take it home?

You don't Issy, These are wild animals, not domesticated like you. They
have to stay here and learn stuff so they can go back to their true
homes in the wild.

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I love this guy, I knew he had my back. I
don't have to change diapers now.

:::Issy elbows Tonks:::: Like you would have ever changed a diaper

But Travis I wanted by own baby. ::sniff, sniff:::

Come here Issy ::patting lap::: Honey, you will get your own ferret,
you will just have to come visit it here once in awhile, I will let you
and Tonks do that, cause your special. You have to remember, these are
special ferrets. And they need everyones help now, or they are going to
become extinct. When you adopt a Black-Footed Ferret your donation will
go directly toward black-footed ferret recovery efforts and purchase
supplies such as vaccines, identification microchips, and other
equipment used for captive breeding and reintroduction.

Yanno Issy, this is a very important thing, And I think we should
do it.

Okay, but you have to bring me here to visit lots. Oh and buy me
presents on Mother's Day.

::::mutter::: Mother's Day, Birthday's, Christmas.... Oh Issy, wouldn't
this be a great Christmas present to give people? We could adopt a
Black-Footed Ferret for each of our friends for Christmas.

Oh Tonks, I just love a smart man!

To learn more about adopting a Black-Footed Ferret go to:

Super Tonks & Ms Isebella-Gucci jones

[Posted in FML 5810]