Early moring at the Rainbow Bridge a deep sadness was felt by a number
of the residents; SodaFerret in particular. Laying in his hammy softly
crying, feeling the deep pain in his heart, there came a knock on his
door. Not responding, not wanting to see or talk to anyone, another
knock came and a soft gentle voice "SodaFewet, you bees needed at da
Bwidge for a new awival dis mornin." Using one of his large velvet
paws, the handsome ferret tried to wipe the tears from his face.
Feeling such pain and deep sadness in his heart for the new arrival
that was coming, he knew he still had a job to do but this one would
be very difficult.

"Pwease Mr. SodaFewret may I comes in?" the voice on the other side of
the door asked.

Clearing his voice and attempting to get control of his emotions, he
called out to the voice, "Yes come in."

The door opened and a tiny little sable ferret by the name of Maggie
came in. "Mr. SodaFerret" the little ferret began, "we all bees sad
'bout da one who be coming, I finds all da fewets and we would wikes
to be dere when our brudder comes."

Not trusting his voice just yet, the Bridge greeter was feeling the
deep pain and sadness for the one who was coming but also for the
broken-hearted mom and dad left behind. The newest resident to the
Rainbow Bridge had been the Alpha ferret in the group, how tall and
proud the new comer was, warm and caring; the one always willing to
reach out a paw to a new comer to their new home, teaching the younger
ones all about being a ferret. The new comer danced with delight;
getting HAPPY FEETS, he was known to be a handsome panda ferret was
filled with love and delight at just being.

"You have gathered everyone from home?" SodaFerret asked Maggie.

"Yes Mr. Soda, I finds dem all and we bees weady" she replied.

Taking a deep breath and rising straight and tall, the Rainbow Bridge
Greeter knew he had a job to do. He had to find a way to welcome the
new comer and deal with his broken heart at another coming to the

Stepping out into the warm sunlight, SodaFerret saw the group of
ferrets; the "Deer Creek Krew" the mom called them, they had all been
located and informed of what had happened and now all had gathered for
the arrival of StinkyBob the Alpha male of the group. Tigger; the first
of the "Deer Creek Krew" to leave and go to the Bridge; Tigger was a
rescue, coming into the group with Blossom and Mz. Derby; Derby known
as Queen of the Crocheted Ferret Eggs, she loved her eggs and on a
daily basis, gathering all her beloved treasures, moving them from
place to place. Mr. Beepers, was the second ferret to come into the
group, Beepers who learned so much from the one due arrive; he felt
sad for their mom and dad back at home but happy to be seeing his big
brudder again. Ziggie, cage mate to Peanut who had been abandoned at a
pet shop and the mom and dad rescued them. Tuffy, head of the "All Girl
Gang" the new arrival enjoyed running and dashing with, Nestlee and
Sprout members of Tuffy's "All Girl Gang". Mickey came into the group
as a "throw away" his cage mate Sylvia would be reuniting with him
someday. Hershey became a member of the group with two other ferrets
and he looked forward to the day he would see his buddies Tucker and
Cocoa. Jewel and Rosie, both came as rescues; Jewel was a throwaway and
Rosie had chewed her way out of the dark hot garage she had been in,
somehow surviving on the streets for two weeks and then taken to Animal
Control. Buddy and Buster joining the group as older ferrets who missed
their mom and dad but had faith they would be coming for them someday.
Maggie; a delightful older gal who had been given only a couple weeks
to live that turned into TEN MONTHS, taking to the Bridge with her
wonderful memories of a mom and dad who loved her and made her final
days loved-filled. Little Cindy who came became a "Deer Creek" member
coming into the group with two other cage mates and waiting for the
day she would see them again and be reunited with her mom and dad. A
precious tiny girl called Tunnie; she and her two cage mates had been
abandoned and left to starve to death in a cage; Tunnie being the only
one still alive when they were found. The tiny little girl didn't get
to stay for long but she took to the Bridge wonderful memories of the
loving care and lots of gentle kisses from the mom and dad.

The group of ferrets made their solemn journey to the Bridge and upon
arrival they found SunnyFerret and other Bridge Helpers already there.
The breeze began to shift and the sky took on new colors that seemed to
be carried on the wind. The colors danced and the little group watched
them change from one shade to another. As the breeze danced and the
colors swirled, fairy dust gently fell on those who were gathered there
to welcome the new arrival. The group of ferrets joined paws as they
closed their eyes and began to send all their love and strength to the
one who was making his way through the stars. The little Bridge group
was also sending their love and prayers to the ones left behind who
had cared for the one who was coming.

StinkyBob felt a sharp pain in his chest and then the earth began to
fall away and he felt he was tumbling into nothingness. At first he was
frightened, not knowing what was happening or where he was going. He
then felt a new warmth of love and guidance as the Ferret Promise Song
was being sung for him. The sad sweet melody swirled all around him and
he felt he was being cradled in the warmth of love and protection. A
beautiful soft voice whisper to him, "come home child, we are waiting
for you." The melody was now awash in his heart and he no longer feared
letting go. Thoughts were centered on those he cared for and would
miss, his heart whispered a message to those he loved most; "I loves
you mom and dad but it be time for me to goes, I pwomise to waits for

StinkyBob heard a deep clear voice fill the air with the bittersweet
refrain of the Ferret Promise Song. The melody of love told the story
of hope and promise and also of sorrow and loss all tied together in
the cycle of life. The song explained pain fading away, of limbs being
made strong again, and eyes once more bright and seeing, it told of the
sorrow of passing and the joy waiting in the Promise. As Soda sang the
sad sweet song, he had tears rolling down his furry cheeks. The song he
sang was also a song of love for the humans who had been shattered by
his passing, tears rained inside their hearts in torrents for the funny
little ferret they loved so much.

Flying through the night sky, MoonBeam Molly's passenger awoke and
asked where they were going; she could feel the sadness in the little
ferret's heart. Speaking to him with her mind, Molly told him they were
going home, his heart had touched the horizon and it was time.

MoonBeam Molly stepped off the end of the Rainbow Bridge and they all
could see she was very solemn. Upon closer inspection, it was noted the
beautiful gentle white unicorn was crying, she had streams of tears
rolling down her beautiful face. This was a most unusual arrival of
a ferret, normally the new arrivals were brought to the Bridge by
MoonBeam Molly but then they crossed the planks to the other side on
their own. Something told the Bridge helpers there was indeed something
very special about the one they were there to greet.

SunnyFerret stepped out to say hello to MoonBeam Molly. The unicorn
spoke with what the group thought was the most beautiful clear gentle
voice they had ever heard. You could not only hear the love in her
voice for the one she had brought, but love and gentleness seemed to
radiate from her. Being in the presence of this wondrous creature, they
all could smell the scent of jasmine, magnolias, and honeysuckle that
seemed to delicately blend together and surround the beautiful unicorn
in a strange kind of mist.

MoonBeam Molly lowered herself to the ground so her passenger could
climb down from the basket he was in on her back. Unfolding her smaller
set of wings that surrounded the tiny passenger as they flew through
the night, the wings cradled the little ferret in warmth and love.

A small head popped up from the basket and the tiny passenger looked
all around. Everything was so beautiful just as his mom had promised
him it would be. StinkyBob's eyes searched the faces in the group and
he saw many faces he recognized from home; Mr. Beepers was there, Tuffy
with members of her "All Girl Gang", Mickey was there, he then caught a
glimpse of Mz Derby holding a brand new egg and he wondered if that was
for him or was she just showing off her eggs.

Climbing down from the basket StinkyBob was anxious to explore and
check everything out but he was also excited about being reunited with
the others who had gone on before him. Mr. Beepers came over to the new
comer and offered his nose in a friendly greeting and then one by one
the others greeted him and began firing questions to him asking about
home; how was mom and dad, tell us all that is going on at home they

SodaFerret then approached StinkyBob and the two ferrets embraced. All
could see the tears still streaming down Soda's handsome face and many
were puzzled at his reaction at the new comer's arrival at the Bridge.
"How is da mom and dad" SodaFerret wanted to know and many thought it
strange that he didn't ask about the other ferrets, he just wanted to
know about the mom and dad.

All his brudders and sisturs in fur were anxious to show him around at
the Rainbow Bridge. So many things to see and do there and they wanted
to show him everything.

"I will teach you how to go and sees da mom and dad" SodaFerret said to

"Hows do we dooes dat?" the new comer asked.

"We has somuptin called a weflecting pool here and you goes dere and
you can sees da mom and dad" Soda explained to the handsome panda

"Comeon StinkyBob" Mr. Beepers told him, "I dooes it all da time when
I misses dem, I can shows ya how to dooes it."

Down the path the ferrets started, StinkyBob, SodaFerret, Mr. Beepers,
Tuffy, and many others who at one time had been a member of the "Deer
Creek Krew".

One of the Bridge helpers went to SunnyFerret to ask her what that was
all about.

"Don't you know?" she asked.

"No, I not knos Mz SunnyFewet, can you tells me?"

"SodaFerret, StinkyBob, and Mr. Beepers are fur-brothers. SodaFerret
didn't get to stay long enough to meet many of the other ferrets but
he did get to know StinkyBob and Mr. Beepers."

"Dey comes from da same home?" the little girl asked.

"Yes, SodaFerret was a rescue" SunnyFerret told the little ferret.

"You means no bodies wanted him and they frew him away?" she asked.

"Yes basically that is what happened and the mom and dad took him in
and gave him a forever home for the few days he lived. He was very sick
when they took him and that is why he didn't get to stay with them for
long, he passed to the Rainbow Bridge and here he will remain until his
mom and dad come for him" SunnyFerret explained.

"Da people dat frew him away, dey will get to sees him at da Wainbow
Bwidge?" the little girl Bridge Helped asked.with eyes big and round
and an angry expression on her face.

"No, I don't mean that mom and dad, the mom and dad who rescued
SodaFerret and gave him a home and lots of love, that is the mom and
dad who will be coming for him someday" SunnyFerret stated.

"Here at the Rainbow Bridge SodaFerret will help StinkyBob to get
settled and he will teach him all about going to the reflecting pond
so he can see his mom and dad when he is feeling lonely and missing
them" SunnyFerret explained.

"How long it bees afore his mom and dad comes for him?"

"I don't know the answer to that" Sunny explained "but here time has no
meaning for us, here we come to wait for our families and be reunited
with them."

"Lets go and see how the reunion is going and make sure our latest
resident is getting settled in" SunnyFerret told the little girl ferret
and down the path they went. .

If you would like a greeting for your ferret, email your request to
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