My 3 little critters are now 3 years old, or a little more.

Lately, they just seem satisfied with getting out once a day for a
couple hours for active playtime.

For example, they got up with me at sunrise and played for a couple
hours, then went back to the cage. Playtime is active, BTW: we take
walks, wrestle, etc.

Now, here it's 13 hours later and normally they'd want to have another
romp. The cage door is open, I've given them all a kiss and scratch
behind the shoulder-blades and gotten my lickey-poos, but I think
they'd just rather sleep!

I guess it's just normal winter torpor, but I've not noticed it before.
They're all fine in every other regard.

Would like some reassurance that this is normal. I guess they're just
getting older. Not unlike their hoomin... <sigh>

Book seats coach, declare ferrets well in advance, and dress well. At
the boarding gate, ask if "would it be possible to get a cheap upgrade
to business class to avoid all the commotion about the ferrets?" Worked
for me....

[Posted in FML 5804]