I lost Nibble-ed about 4 years ago. She lived a reasonably long life,
was a store bought Marshall Farms fert, one of two I ever bought.

Nib was by far the most intelligent ferret I ever saw. She learned how
to get up onto the kitchen counters, inside closed dresser drawers from
the back, how to get onto the fireplace mantel and other places I wish
she never went to, but she did! If Nib wanted to get there, quite
simply she would.

One day I was searching for her and could not find her anywhere. No
place where she would haunt had even a single sign she was there. Under
the couch she would get to a towel and wrap that around her so it
looked like a pizza dough rising on the floor. Was amazing how she
did that, alone!

I then found her watching me from inside one of the three huge cages
I made and this one was for sale. She was quietly resting in a hammy
calmly watching me like a fox or the Cheshire cat. But all the doors
were shut and latched! There were NO holes anywhere for her to get
into! And if there was an open door, ferrets are not good at closing
them behind them after entry or exit, so how did that little smart
fanny get in there !!!!!

It came to me the 'J' feeder was the only avenue. For sure, she climbed
up the outside of the cage, got inside the top of that 'J' feeder and
wiggled her way in. Pretty clever I say!

Now, today I played with my beasts a bit and went about my work. Going
inside there was Pester to greet me, but wait! I had her INSIDE the
cage and shut the door! How did this happen?

I put Pester back in the cage and check all the many doors, none were
compromised. This confused me. But I just sluffed it off and went on
with my yard work. Upon returning, there was Pester waiting for me,
AGAIN !!!!

The 'J' feeder was near empty, I let that get down so they eat every
last morsel and then wash it. It was nearly to that point for wash. I
checked all the doors, all 7 floors have at least 2 doors per floor,
but all were shut and latched. The only thing had to be the 'J' feeder.

I stood back and watched for a bit. Sure enough, I saw this furry fuzz
head pop out of the top of that 'J' feeder. LIB !!!! CMEDBDI's ?? (that
is West Virginian for..."Well! I'll Be!!! See them itty bitty eyes???
") . Pester having emptied the last morsel out of the 'J' feeder had
slithered into the bottom and went backwards from what Nib did. She
got to the top and flopped out to the floor. Smart little #^&()$ !!!!!

All I could do is laugh and admire her persistence to get out. Good
job! But DON'T DO THAT AGAIN !!!!! Ha!

So filling the 'J' feeder is a must from now on. Amazing. Peekaboo is
not prone to that kind of act where she can't see so is short of tools
to think with. She runs into walls, chair legs, my legs, all kinds of
things. But is a sweet loveable little creature. Love them both. Glad
to have them!

Gordon, Peekaboo and Pester

Rev. J. Gordon Bengtson
Aarrow Ranch Aviation
Mechanicsville, Virginia 23111 

[Posted in FML 5804]