He was missing for 28 hours and now he's home safe. Thanks for the
support,phonecalls and ideas. I put food, a blanket, a litter box and
water outside my door. One last check before bed at around 1:30 a.m. I
saw that the food was knocked over. That's what Fitch does so I grabbed
the flashlight and there he was under a car in the parking lot. I crept
toward him and he inched back so I laid down and stretched my fingers
toward him saying his name and he came forward and I grabbed him. I'm
so grateful and thankful that he's safe.

Even though he was found right outside my door I coudn't take the
chance not finding him. Heres a list of the things I did to find him:

I slept with the door open so he could get back in. it was 40 outside.

Posted flyers in the mail room and front desk.

Posted flyers at the grocery store, gas station, Starbucks.

I called a radio station and they put me on the air.

Called every vet in the area and left my number and his description.

I posted on craigs list,myspace,and the humane society website.

I went to the library but was rejected when I asked to put up my flyer.
I made note cards with his pic and info and went door to door at my

I stuck notes in peoples door jams. And stopped people walking their
dogs to take one of the note cards.

Outside I put food, water, his blanket, a kitty condo he likes, a
litter box.

I also spent hours walking arond the complex opening peoples closets on
their patios. I shined my flashlight in every persons patio and door
way. I looked in rain gutters, electrical boxes, sprinkler devices,
under everycar.

He's home now.

Kristina Borgstrom

[Posted in FML 5804]