Hi everyone, hope your Thanksgivings all went well, I just have a few
questions about giving acidophilus to ferrets. My Pukka, little naked
adrenal girl, has been having diarrhea on and off for a little while. 
I mentioned it to a coworker (I work in a veterinary office) and she
asked if I had ever used acidophilus, as she has used it successfully
with her own ferrets. I had Pukka in to her vet today (unfortunately
my hospital only sees dogs and cats!), and asked her about the
acidophilus. She said it couldn't hurt, especially since she put
Pukka on the dreaded metronidazole for the diarrhea.

Now the questions: how much, and in what form? I neglected to get this
information from either person I talked to!

If anyone has experience in giving probiotics to ferrets, I'd love to
hear from you. Pukka has enough troubles without a bad tummy to worry
about-- she's also been losing weight, so I need to get her to bulk up
a little before we think about adrenal surgery.

Thanks so much in advance!

Rachel, Eddie, and skinny-minny Pukka

[Posted in FML 5803]