First, I want to address the private email slamming against me. The
daggers being thrown that I am sooooooo financially irresponsible for
donating such a large part of our raffle proceeds to the McKay rescue
when I have an outstanding vet bill and the rumors about our rescue
"screwing over several vets". Yes, I have an outstanding vet bill. Yes,
my heart is bigger than my brain. Could I have used all of the raffle
proceeds for my vet bill? Sure, but I saw an immediate and very urgent
need that soooo many , very needy ferrets could benefit from. I remain
unapologetic for my decision to donate that portion of proceeds to help
the McKay kids. Screwing over several vets? Hardly. We actually have
excellent working relationships with several, yes SEVERAL vets in the
MD area especially the one that assisted with Snapshot's passing. Do I
share the vet names that provide us with great discounts? No. They have
asked me not to as they are not able to provide these discounts for
other rescues that may come to them for discounts and I respect that.

I also want to say that through talking to so many people recently
through private email that it's a damn shame that so many wonderful
people have become hesitant to post because they fear the cruel
and destructive flaming of those that lurk to do nothing more than
hurt. Many of the flames appear to be innocent questioning but evil
intentions lurk beneath. ...kind of like masking the manure on a
pig with perfume. The perfume eventually wears off. no offense of
course to our four legged friend, the pig.

I know I recently said that I wouldn't be posting anymore, but I wanted
to share the wonderful AC reading regarding Snapshot. The readings
by Arlene AND Judith White (who has seen me through the turmoil for
several months) brought me peace and helped me deal with this decision.
My post seemed benign to me, certainly nothing that would put me on
"the whipping wall". Wrong again Kim! True to the form of a few wacked
minds that lurk here, I received emails bashing me for putting my dog
down because she was blind. No, I did not put her down, just because
she was blind, read on, of my last hours with my beloved furry human,

I have to say, for what I had to do, there was no other way it could
have been done better. Snapshot got a full plate of Thanksgiving
dinner....for two days but in spite of wanting to spend the night on
the floor with her, she didn't seem to want me holding her close...
just content to be at my feet. This vet was so caring, so thorough,
so compassionate....she assured me that I was doing the right thing by
giving me all the medicals on her,...I know she was here for 4 hours,
observing, caring and assuring, informing me of how either option I
chose would affect Snapshot. How many vets do you know that would take
that type of time? No, the decision was not made purely on the fact
that she was blind. Blindness was the least of her problems. She was
able to do steps . wander about the yard and find her way back up
either of the decks and scratch at the door to be let in. She could not
however hold her bladder and bowels any more. Laziness or incontinent?
No. Just old and she really didn't care where she went.

I have "felt" for some time that there were more things going on inside
Snapshot. Things that couldn't be fixed besides the blindness. I have
consulted two very spiritually gifted Reiki masters who also got these
impressions. That is what prompted me to make the decision and I chose
the vet who would consult and advise before the final decision was
madet. Her stomach was enlarged and she had a terrible smell in her
urine that could have been indicative of kidney problems and her normal
breathing rate doubled by just walking around the room. Her heart
murmur that she had lived with all of her life was a 6 out of possible
6 points. Did I spend 3 million dollars on bloodwork and cardiologists?
No I did not. It was not necessary as her heart above any other issues
, was not something that could be fixed. She would not have had much
time left and could have died alone and from suffocation had I not
helped her and THAT was not an option that I could live with.

The sedative alone caused her breathing to be extremely labored as she
relaxed. Her heart was so weak that she didn't make it past the first
shot. I laid on the floor with her head in my hands bawling like a
baby and she kept yelling at me "CELEBRATE MY LIFE". I could hear it
so plain ....and this was after we reviewed her life from beginning to
end earlier in the day.

Thanks to the many, many folks that have supported me during this
difficult time.

Kimberly Fox
Director/Rescue Mom
Somethin Up My Sleeve Ferret Rescue
Pay Pal accepted for donations at this email address.

[Posted in FML 5801]