Dear Ferret Folks-

This is the time of year when we on the FML have an opportunity to
thank various shelters for the work that they do via the medium of a
card exchange. Do I always get my cards out on time? Nooooooo! But I
will get them out. Late. It's my nature. If I could have my own Olympic
sport it would be "Endurance Procastination." I can't thank these
folks enough for the work that they do. The commitment, the compassion
expressed as action that they demonstrate each and every day. Lots of
us talk the talk. They walk the walk, and it's often a stressful,
lonely jorney. But the rewards? Priceless, as they will tell you.

There are some other folks who labor quietly, behind the scenes to make
the FML the quality experience that it is for so many of us. BIG, for
example. He stays up late *every night* to make sure that you find that
new FML in your inbox each day. He settles disputes, calms the waves,
and tries to give us all a voice. It isn't always easy. He can't please
everyone all of the time. And his contribution is one of those that
seems almost invisible, in a way. When he does his job right everything
flows along smoothly, seamlessly, and you may almost fail to notice his
hand on the tiller. But we'd be sailing in circles without him. Thank
you, Bill.

Let us also please give thanks to the FML Greeters at the Rainbow
Bridge who have worked for us in 2007- Saraferret, Soda Ferret, and
the (now retired?) Muldoone. They also demonstrate a compassion that
is expressed as action day, after day, after day. They comfort and
they help people in pain begin to heal. Thank you, Greeters.

Alexandra in MA

[Posted in FML 5798]