Dear all,

My 3.5 year old boy always had luxurious beautiful fur. Very soft and
thick. Now the fur is so dry and coarse! It is not soft at all anymore.
I have read before that a healthy ferret still has nice fur. I can't
tell of any other problems with him yet. I know it is shedding season,
so could this be his "winter" coat? It is nice and thick but it is
almost unpleasant to pet he is so dry. The skin seems ok and doesn't
seem flaky. he does still get daily dose of Ferretone, so that can't be
it. Can this be another symptom of an illness? should I get him into
the vet just for that reason alone? Is this normal as they get older?
everyone else in the cage still has very nice fur. I have tried to
search the archives, but am not convinced. Hope this is not a stupid

I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving!


[Posted in FML 5798]