Hurricane Renee is building strength fast. In fact this is the fastest
she's every built up. She is now hovering over the general Philli area.
This is bad, very bad. Warm blasts from the south are pushing the jet
stream up and feeding the storm. I fear for those in her path. Already
she has made a showing at a PA rest stop. Apparently she is leaving
live turkey's in the debris.

You read that right. Turkey's. Seriously, I was on the phone with
Renee while she stopped in PA. I heard people begin to gather near her
and talk. Then Renee started talking back to them. General chaos began
to ensue. Through the commotion I intermittently heard words along
the lines of "turkey", "it's not mine", "it came out of your car",
"ferrets". The scene intensified. Now, before I tell you what happened,
you have to get the full visual here. This woman drives a white SUV,
with every inch of it packed with goodies and "stuff". The ferrets have
all of the space in the back. So when she rolls into somewhere, you
see all of these adorable ferret faces peeking out of the windows and
"stuff" piled a mile high in others. When she opens the door, the
"stuff" falls out everywhere as she exits the car. If you are within
ear shot, you get your ears full of a loud greeting and laughter. If
you are within an arms length you might find "stuff" in your arms.
The sort of things that can constitute "stuff" can be anything from
a collapsible water container for camping, books, biscotti, to ...
anything. Back to the turkey. After people got their eyes full after
Renee pulled up and after she went into the rest stop, a huge live
turkey emerged from under her car. When Renee came out, said turkey
was walking around her car gobbling. And people were telling her that
her turkey escaped. Renee kept telling them it was not her turkey and
that it was wild (there were woods near by). They did not believe her
because that they were at a rest stop in a highly populated area so
near Philli. I suppose if you own a ferret you'd own anything in some
peoples minds. Renee told them her car had ferrets, but no turkeys. The
people seemed to be quite alarmed, but Renee told them "it was okay".

Now for those of you who have ever spoken with Renee in person or on
the phone will get that joke. Renee ends every thought with, "And
that's okaaaaay" with a long southern draw. According to this woman,
if magical elves were about to use a unicorns front gold tooth to grow
'shrooms in mass to drug our already confused government leaders, she'd
no doubt say, "it'll be okaaay. This can be a good thing, ya know?" And
she'd go on to explain to you all of the good things that could come
out of that and all of the ways the bad things about it could probably
be handled. An asteroid flying through space zeroed in on your home
and about to pulverize it? "That's okay". Renee can make you believe
anything will be okay. And you know what I learned from her in all
seriousness? She's right.

Back to our weather forecast. The estimated path of the hurricane will
lead it to Ohio by late tonight where it is predicted to create great
devastation. A low pressure system up north is predicted to collide
with the storm, however, and alter the path of destruction so that it
will then travel towards the Southeast. Okay this is where things get
dangerous. By this point, the hurricane should be at full strength
and register as a category 5 storm. I will keep sending updates and
possible video/images of the devastation.

ps, for those of you worried about the turkey, Renee watched it drink 
lots of water and then start to head back home. "And it was okay.."

[Posted in FML 5794]