Hi Kim,

I was just reading Sandy's last post on the FML and felt compelled to
contact you. I am also an animal communicator and offered Sandy my
help. Believe me, I know how hard it is working with lost animals. I'm
almost at the point of not doing so anymore. We, as communicators, are
used to having to interpret the images we receive and know that often
they are not literal but symbolic. Most of our clients aren't able to
do this. Therefore, can be frustrating to everyone involved.

Not that you need any validation, but in my communication with Rascal,
I also received an image of Rascal with a white ferret there to comfort
him. "*Wiith *him is a Ferret who has crossed. He's a big boy and is
light colored, white or silver mitt with dark eyes. He is there to
comfort him and if he passes, the white ferret will be there to help
him cross."

Keep up the good work, Kim! The animals need us!

Love, light and healing,

Arlene Thompson
Reiki Master/Teacher
Animal Communicator


[Posted in FML 5794]