It was a lovely day at the bridge. SaraFerret was waiting at de
entrance for the fuzzy crossing the bridge. Then she spotted him:
a cinnamon fuzzy racing across the bridge. She stepped aside; OOF!
Right into the fluffy cloud that was there for the little fuzzies
that were in a hurry to cross. She had learned to move fast for them.

I picked him out of de cloud and introduced myself, Hi I am SaraFerret,
de bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow Bridge. Here you will have no
more pain or suffering. You will run on green grass forever, have no
messy litter pans, have lotsa food and water, treats, friends and
family, did I mention fun and games.

De little fuzzy looked at me and said, I am Houdini and I belongs to
Mommy Katie and she had a big group of fuzzies for me to play with and
I don't see anyone excepts you for me to play with. Are you going to
play with me? I feel so alone here. I rushed to get here, because Mommy
said I would feel better here. I feel lots better here, but where are
all the friends I was sposed to have?

Questions, Questions. I explained to Houdini that in a little bit I
would introduce him to a lot of new friends and maybe an old one, but
first we had to get wings. Wings? he said, why do I need wings? Oh to
fly around de heavens, I replied. Sure beats leaping from cloud to
cloud. I showed him what I meant. And then he understood.

So off we went down de garden path toward Kit and Kaboodle where de
wings were stored. We opened de door and on de counter was a big box
marked "Houdini". He opened de box and took out de wings--silver with
blue streaks--perfect for the cinnamon fuzzy. I helped him put dem on
and adjusted his halo. He ran to de big vanity mirror and gazed at his
reflection. For De first time he could see how handsome he was and he
felt great and he turned to me and said: Gee I wish Mommy could see me
now. Den I gots an idea.

As we went out de door, who should we see but his old friend, Xena. Oh
happy days, Houdini no longer felt alone. He had a friend here.

So we all continued down de path toward de Misting Pond. We sat down
beside de cool clear water. With one swish Mommy Katie appeared and he
saw her look up toward de sky and smile. Well dey both started waving
and dooking. Houdini yelled, Mommy look at me, I has wings, I can fly.
I don't hurt anymore. I feel great. I have a friend here, Xena. See
her. Thanks for everything. Thank you for loving me. I love you. Then
they both started throwing hugs, kisses, and promises and wrapped dem
with dere love and laid dem on a nearby shooting star which was headed
toward your house. And with another swish de vision was gone.

We headed again down de path toward a cottage where Xena lived and dere
was a WELCOME TO DE BRIDGE HOUDINI banner strung through the trees.

How did the know I was coming, he asked?

Oh we has our ways, I replied. We went into de cottage where fuzzies
were dancing, food was spread, music was playing and Xena ran around
introducing him to each and everyone. At last Houdini was in his new
forever home. I gave him a hug and a quick good-bye and headed for my
cottage as my day was done.

So ended another greeting at de bridge.

Loveys and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 5793]