Guys, I need serious prayers for Rascal. And I'll explain.

Plumber was fired & I called him everything but a child of God. And I
was doubting that.

Ok, a internet friend hooked me up with a physic friend of hers. Kim
Fox had told me a white trailer. (I do live in a mobile home park &
most here are white. )

But this other lady is dead on it. Ok, she spoke with Rascal, he said
he was down under & it was dark with a light over him. A cat hissing,
the man calls him "weasely thing", is feeding Rascal berries & apples.
His left shoulder is hurt & he wants to come home. He is very

Rascal told the lady that as he & Nelson went out the door, they went
to the right, 3 doors down. A man with a vest on & work boots stomped
his feet at them, Nelson ran back home but the man picked up him,
putting him in his vest, & while I was putting up Nelson, the man put
him in a tiny cage , he has no room to move, in a very dark place with
a cat hissing at him.

The lady told me that the man KNOWS me & knows I've been searching
dilagently for Rascal. He plans to sell or give him away as a Christmas
gift. He knows I'm offering a reward. He knows of all the carriers set

Ok, I called a police officer to see what my legal rights were with a
reading. This rookie goes to the WRONG house. The man lets him in, no
Rascal. BUT this man is the son in law to the one that really has
Rascal, but he doesn't know that his father in law has Rascal.

I was on the phopne with the pyshic when that occurred. She had a
candle burning for Rascal, to come home. She told me that it went out
at that time. My heart sank & I started crying. Was that meaning he was
dead? No, but this man is a very cold hearted person (sex offender on
kids) & has no plans to return Rascal. She said my olny hope now was to
put more fliers out stating that without his daily medicatin, he will
die. A dead ferret is any good to sell/give away. That we are praying
this gets to his cold heart & Rascal comes home where he'll be rushed
to the vets. She also stated that this man wants every ferret I have
to sell. He means me harm.

She also told me that when the candle burned out, she saw the word
Friday. Iasked what that means & she said that she sees him being
placed in a box & left on my back steps before Friday.

She also sent me messages from my Dad. And I know it had to be him as
the way Dad worded things.

This, lady has a gift & she shared it & is still doing what can be
done for Rascal.

As for any legal actions, the sherriff said I needed to have an
eyewitness in order to get a search warrent to get Rascal. I wish I
had one, the plumber may have seen it but that bridge is burned.

God Bless Us All

Heaven Scent Ferret Rescue/Shelter
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