>I love Persians to start with and I can't believe how mellow Percy
>is around ferrets.

I had a Persian growing up and he was by far the most laid back cat
ever. We called him Fuzzbucket because he liked to sleep in a 5 gallon
bucket and was so big and furry he almost filled it! I thought all
Persians were like that. He was the only cat that we ever owned that
would let you pick him up and love all over him for extended periods of
time. Not that he enjoyed it...he was just to lazy to try to escape :)
I don't think I ever heard him growl and he never bit anyone. One more
story to demonstrate his laziness...We lived in the middle of nowhere
surrounded by peanut fields. When they harvested the peanuts all the
little field mice would head to our house for shelter so we always had
traps out. The cat recognized the sound of a mouse trap when it went
off and it was a foot race to beat him to the mouse. He loved to eat
them but let the traps do the work instead of trying to catch them


[Posted in FML 5789]