Today was a beautiful day at de bridge. A older brown and white fuzzy
was waiting at de bridge entrance. But SaraFerret was not waiting at
dere. WHERE WAS SHE? She was off playing badminton with a group of
fuzzies, tossing de birdie back and forth. But what had happened
to Dexter, de little boy courier, who was sposed to deliver de
all-important notes to her. Hmmm, let's see. Dexter flew up to her,
frantically waving to her. Hey, SawaFewwet, dere's a fuzzy at de
entwance, here's dat note. Sowwy I is late. I dwops it and I had to
pick it up. She just looks at him and says, Uh, Dexter, What d'ya mean,
is de fuzzy here already? He nodded his little head yes. She glanced at
de note and flew to de entrance. (She would talk to Dexter later). At
de entrance a puzzled fuzzy was standing dere gazing around.

(Pant-Pant-Pant) I finally arrives. Hi I am SaraFerret and I am de
bridgegreeter. I am sorry I am late. Welcome to de Rainbow Bridge.
Here you will have no more pain or suffering. You will run on green
grass forever. Dere will be no messy litter pans. You will have lotsa
food and water, family and friends to play with, did I mention fun and

De little fuzzy looks at me and says with a big sigh, I don't
understand what happened to me, Mommy took me to de vet and all of a
sudden I was here. My name is Mr Peepers and my Mommy and Daddy always
loves me so much. But den I gots sick and I didn't wants to play
anymore. I just wants to lay down and cry. But Daddy just holds me
close to him. He was such a nice Daddy. I really wants to go back dere.

I just looks at him and says, Mr.Peepers, 'Fraid you can't do dat, once
you are her, dere's no going back. You are now at your new forever

He just looks at me and says, Is dere anyone here dat I know?

Right then, Angel ran up to him. What joy on Mr Peepers' face. A great
reunion, dancing and leaps of joy. Dere was someone he knows. After
both had bounced around, I speaks to him about de wings. It seems dat
Angel had already talks to him about dem.

So off we went down de garden path toward Kit and Kaboodle where de
wings were stored. We opened de door and on de counter was a big box
(of course). He opened de box and took out de wings--blue with gold
streaks. He ran to de big vanity mirror and gazed at his reflection--
WOWSIE! He saw that his fur was once again a perfect brown and white as
it was in de days of his youth, in fact he felt as good as he had been
then. He turned to me and said, Gee I wish Mommy and Daddy could see me
now. Den I gots an idea.

Off we went down de path toward de Misting Pond. We sat down beside de
cool clear water. With one swish Mr Peepers and Angel saw Mommy and
Daddy appear and they saw them look up and the sky and smile. He
started waving and dooking. Hey Look at me I has wings now, I can fly.
I have fur and I feel great. I have Angel and I am not alone here.
Thank you for loving me. Thank you for everything. They both started
throwing hugs and kisses and promises and laid dem on a nearby shooting
star which was headed to your house, And with another swish de vision
was gone.

I asked him if he wanted de tour of de Bridge, but Angel said she and a
group of her friends would take him around. I apologizes again to him
for my delay in meeting him. So we headed toward de cottage where dere
was a WELCOME TO DE BRIDGE party being planned and already de fuzzies
were gathering. Food was coming in. Music was playing. He whispered to
me, Does this happen for every fuzzy dat crosses? I answers, Oh for
sure it does. As I left dem, dere was wardancing, Angel and Mr Peepers
were dooking and catching up on old times.

I headed for my cottage and realized dat no matter how perfect de
Bridge might be, wherever fuzzies are, something is bound to go

Loveys and Hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 5786]