Dear Fellow FMLers..,.
Howdy from Reno Nevada. First of all my new hob from Ohio, Jovan the
musky one. or Dougie Da Moose, both apply, please choose one...LOL
Anyhoo he is in Season for the first time I guess and he is a bit wild
shall we say? LOL he is not interested in Sophie much but he likes both
Leo and Sabata tho..LOL No he isn't "gay" just horny I'd say!!! SLMAO!!
Anyhoo he is in a cage for some of the time but he runs the house quite
a bit to be sure.. Poppa has top have his "Smelly boy" time ya know!!!
I had to go out to pay some bills yesterday so after spending some hob
time with Jovan in my shirt, yes I did too...LOL I went to the bank to
pay on the mortgage and to my other bank to make a deposit and then to
Wally World to get afew items and leaving a bit of hob behind me...LOL.
I loved it but not too sure the folks at the bank did but then to heck
with them if they can't take a bit of hob odor!!! LOL!!!

ok on a bit of a more sober note, Leo has a mass on his upper jaw. He
has had two teeth removed and the nasty swelling has not gone down. It
has been just over a month now and the swelling has not gone down BUT
at present it hasn't gotten a lot worse either. Now it would cost me
about 300 bucks to go in and take a bone sample and to send it out to
be Identified and such and that is 300 bucks I don't have right now and
would be better spent on treatment as needed. So we will assume that it
is Osteosacrcoma and go with that assumption as it seems likely that it
is. However I cannot see any black discoloration around the gum line or
the upper area of the mouth but with the on going treatment with
Clindamicyin and torbutol With added doses of steroids I feel that if
it hasn't gone down by now it pretty well has to be a cancer. I feel
that my vet thinks so too. Anyway what are the options in treatment
besides surgery taking half of the face with it and then not being able
to be certain that if has all been taken out which is impossible to be
sure about...?

He is eating well taking soup like he was born to it. he is 3 years and
about 9 months old now. He is my cinny boy and is just a love. He is
my lets go and play ferret. He loves to go racing down the hallway and
into the kitchen and by the time I get there he is thru the dinning
room and then the living room and half way up the stairs type of boy.
I am glad he still is active and being a ferret. I guess my question
is what can I do at this point in time? I do know that there are some
types of Chemo Therapy available but not sure if they will work at this
point. My vet said it may slow down the progress of the cancer but
would not cure it. Hell folks, with the amount of money we have spent
on cancer research the last fifty years we should have wiped it out by
now and we haven't. Thank You big research companies... Oh well I won't
go there right now.

Anyway I know alot of you folks do a lot of computer research and know
lots about these things while I on the other hand do not know how to do
any of that stuff so I have to ask other folks what to do about these
things. I am not willing to let Leo go without a fight but I won't let
him suffer any either. he was Koda's best buddy and he has become one
of my favs too...Ok so yes all of them are my favs but what does that
have to do with anything???

Thanking You in advance for any info.... best to all
Fred Hurd
Reno Nevada
After All It is For The  Ferrets!!!!

[Posted in FML 5785]