So you get a call. Someone found a lost ferret wandering around near a
shopping mall. They ended up bringing it to an animal emergency clinic
who called the shelter you volunteer with. The shelter referred the
clinic to you since the ferret was found pretty close to where you
live. The nice people who found the ferret bring it to you while you
scramble to put together some temporary housing for it.

The ferret arrives and it looks like it's no more than two or three.
And it s obviously adrenal - naked from the neck down with just a
little fuzz left on the feet. The front and back nails are the longest
nails you've ever seen on a ferret and there's a small sore on one
foot. But the nails are VERY clean - which means this ferret has not
been outside very long at all. And being that the nights lately have
gotten down into the 30's he definitely couldn't have been out there
very long.

So seeing how this poor ferret has obviously had an owner that's
ignored his progressive balding and couldn't be bothered to trim his
nails - how hard do you try to find them? You've checked online and
there's nothing on or any of the local papers. Do you
run a found ad so it can be returned to someone who either doesn't
know how to care for a ferret - or just doesn't give a damn? Or do you
run the ad just so you can meet them and kick the sh*t out of them?


[Posted in FML 5783]