Dear Annonymous,

It is MY understanding through third hand information that there was
an agreement struck that Doug McKay would cease breeding-- but an
agreement made over limitations of breeding between the grand

SIGH.... Of course this gentlewoman's agreement has no way of being
enforced etc...

It gives us a reason to worry about what will happen 6-7 years down the
road... and wonder if the ferret community will repeatedly be expected
to clean up the mess....

These types of rescues bring a chill to my spine.... after nearly 15
years of active rescue, I am finding my personal resources totally
depleted and a struggle ensuing to keep my home , in order to have
helped those who could not help themselves.. I know I won't be able
to help the next clean up.

Fondly in ferrets,

Alicia D.
shelter mom

[Posted in FML 5782]