Hi John,

A few months ago, my only white ferret "Boogie" developed this same
brown-orange mange under his chin. Then it spread up over his nose. I
took him to the vet but she doesn't know what is causing it. She gave
me Chlorhexiderm to clean the area daily, but I have to make sure I
wash it off after a minute or two. She put him on antibiotics as well.
It hasn't gone away. The vet said she'd seen this before in dogs and
only under their canines if they couldn't clean their mouths well.

I was thinking maybe it has something to do w/the melatonin I started
giving him shortly before I noticed this brown-orange stuff. But I
really don't know. His blood tests were o.k.. and his adrenal test is
only slightly elevated. So I don't know of any health conditions that
could be causing this. My old boss who is an exotic vet said that maybe
Boogie is allergic to his plastic food bowl. So I replaced it w/a
ceramic bowl. Nothing's changed.

Well, if you find out what this is maybe you could let me know:)

Tina & Boogie

[Posted in FML 5749]